1. Vulcan reduces scaling in pipes and appliances
Without the Vulcan water treatment, the limescale particles in the water form sticky crystals that then build solid deposits. The patented Vulcan-Impulse-Technology modifies the crystallization of calcium and magnesium using the natural process of electrophoresis. The crystals become smoother and rod-shaped and can no longer attach to each other. Limescale is now washed away in the water as a fine powder. The formation of new deposits is stopped. The more rod-shaped crystals that are created, the stronger the positive effect of limescale-prevention.
Mono crystals as a result of the Vulcan water treatment
When mono-crystals are created by the impulse variation, it is important that they grow as long as possible before they start their way through the piping system. The larger the crystals, the longer it takes until the crystals fall apart again and eventually “die”. In warm water, these crystals grow faster and therefore are stronger and live longer. This explains why the Vulcan-effect lasts the longest in warm water (up to seven days) and shorter in cold water (approx. two days).